I often get asked the best way to securely erase a disk or what to use to ensure that a disk has been sanitised to DoD 5220-22-M. A reasonable way to achieve this would be: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s2 bs=10k or dd if=/dev/arandom of=/dev/r#d#c bs=10k This will ensure that random (not completely random, but good enough) …
Category Archives: OpenBSD
OpenBSD 5.3 Released
The start of May 2013 marks the release of OpenBSD 5.3. Another release brings a swag of hardware improvements along with software features that will give users even more choices when they are building a server, router/firewall or desktop computer.
Nginx in OpenBSD 5.2-Release
Nginx(8) is the replacement web server for the old patched Apache 1.3 in OpenBSD. As of OpenBSD 5.2, Nginx(8) is still not the primary [default] web server in the BSD release and allows for users to slowly migrate from Apache to Nginx(8) without additional package install.
OpenBSD 5.2 pre-orders are up
The OpenBSD project has announced that pre-orders for the up coming 5.2 release of the operating system are now on-line. The release is due to hit shelves and mirrors on 1 November, 2012. The inexpensive 3-CD sets of OpenBSD 5.2 are $50CDN, Posters $2oCDN and T-Shirts $25CDN. While you are there, you can also make …
OpenBSD 5.1 Released…
Yes, I know, OpenBSD 5.1 has been released since 1 May 2012, however my blog wasn’t up then. It did get a mention on my Twitter and G+ pages so all is not lost. I highly recommend supporting the project by buying a CD release or making a donation. While you are waiting for your …