For OpenBSD users, it has been pretty disappointing that Digital Ocean didn’t launch other BSDs with introduction of FreeBSD, even though the technical barrier had been removed to allow it. Today, I thought I’d try doing an OpenBSD load again (I have tried before without success due to CPU feature issues) and the results were …
Category Archives: Operating Systems
OpenBSD audio in virtualisation
While some use the documentation correctly and search the mailing lists, sometimes the answers don’t come up correctly due to formatting or google having issues indexing. As I use OpenBSD more and more as a daily driver (be it still in VMWare Workstation on one machine and Virtual Box on the other), I still don’t …
Windows 8.1 Update 0x80240031
While setting up two new Lenovo E540 notebooks that had Windows 8 on them, I came across an issue with the update to Windows 8.1 via the Microsoft Store. It would get to 50% downloaded/installed and then error with the code 0x80240031.
OpenBSD 5.5 Released
The start of May 2014 marks the release of OpenBSD 5.5. Another release brings a swag of hardware improvements along with software features that will give users even more choices when they are building a server, router/firewall or desktop computer. Some highlights that interest me are:
OpenBSD 5.4 Released
The start of November 2013 marks the release of OpenBSD 5.4. Another release brings a swag of hardware improvements along with software features that will give users even more choices when they are building a server, router/firewall or desktop computer. Some highlights that interest me are:
dd, What is the status?
There is a cool little trick to get the status of a dd operation out of the system. It will provide the status of dd via the err interface. You can do this one of two ways, either background (bg) the operation or perform it in a new terminal or screen. For OpenBSD, a SIG_INFO …
Hard Drive Sanitisation
I often get asked the best way to securely erase a disk or what to use to ensure that a disk has been sanitised to DoD 5220-22-M. A reasonable way to achieve this would be: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s2 bs=10k or dd if=/dev/arandom of=/dev/r#d#c bs=10k This will ensure that random (not completely random, but good enough) …
OpenBSD 5.3 Released
The start of May 2013 marks the release of OpenBSD 5.3. Another release brings a swag of hardware improvements along with software features that will give users even more choices when they are building a server, router/firewall or desktop computer.
HDHomeRun and Linux
With a few guests coming over tomorrow afternoon for beers in the garage and the Hawks playing on the box, I thought we might need some TV where we are drinking. I thought, no problems, I’ll get the Windows notebook out and set it up in the garage and stream TV from the HD Home …
Nginx in OpenBSD 5.2-Release
Nginx(8) is the replacement web server for the old patched Apache 1.3 in OpenBSD. As of OpenBSD 5.2, Nginx(8) is still not the primary [default] web server in the BSD release and allows for users to slowly migrate from Apache to Nginx(8) without additional package install.